Hi Sibley
Its great power and extreme lightness give this toy hydroplane surprising
speed. It is literally a mosquito among water craft.
Use 3/16-in. white cork pine or similar light, soft wood for all parts except the
rear propeller support, which is whittled from 3/4-in. stock in triangular cross section,
tapered toward the top. Round the edges of hull, keel, rudder and other
parts where streamlining will increase speed. The hull is very thin and will just
support the power plant when idle, but under speed the bow will lift.
Give the entire craft two or three coats of shellac, well sandpapered, and see that
the propeller shaft does not bind. Provision is made for a generous length of
strong rubber bands, preferably of the kind sold for model airplanes, so that
when well wound the hydroplane will travel for quite a distance.
A somewhat similar toy could be built with the propeller at the bow.