R.H. Warring
Power-driven models
THIS is a comprehensive guide to the fascinating
hobby of turning a static display piece
into a working model. It tells you what type of
power unit is best for different models, covering
model aircraft, model boats, model cars,
motorising plastic kits and miscellaneous working
models. It deals with rubber motor power,
electric motors, diesels and glow motors, steam
engines, clockwork motors and 'Jet' engines.
It tells you how to convert existing models to
power, how to construct suitable models around
different power units, how models can be controlled,
etc. It tells you how to operate and
look after different forms of power units -
and get the best performance out of any working model.
Whether you want to fit a motor into a boat,
make a working model tank, find the right size
of rubber motor for a model aeroplane, operate
a tabletop racing car - or, in fact, need information
on any aspect of power-driven models or
model power units - here are the answers you
have been looking for. And there are plenty of
unusual types of models described, too: model
aircraft powered by electric motors, hovercraft,
rubber-powered cars and submarines, to name
but a few.